BodyFIX Pain Chart
If You Don’t Have a Diagnosis
Pick the Location of Your Pain
Using the image below, Click the painful part of your body and answer the questions.
If you have a diagnosis for the cause of your pain, click HERE.
Flip View
Bodyfix Blueprints currently available:
Foot and Ankle
Back (Flip for Back View)
Hamstring (Flip for Back View)
Click on the body part where you are experiencing pain and answer the questions.
Let us know if we don’t have a pain solution to meet your needs. We will update you when new Blueprints are released.
Better Posture in 30 Days And It's FREE!
Includes 9 videos designed to improve your posture and combat bad habits
Includes 8 exercises to get you and keep you pain free
This Bodyfix Blueprint plan clearly maps your road to better posture.
You will receive instructions about the number of sets, repetitions and frequency for each exercise.
Therapy based video tutorials show the proper movements for each exercise.
The daily time commitment is approximately 45 minutes spread throughout your day.
11/10 rating for sure!!!! Absolutely amazing!!! Mitch has years and years of experience, and he was very helpful answering every question I had with detail!! Extremely thoughtful and inspiring. I felt like every stretch had a purpose and he stressed the importance of doing them at home.
Daytona, FL
They actually have an exercise plan laid out and I can honestly say my pain has lessened and I feel stronger. Mitch is the best PT (I’ve met quite a few over the span of 7yrs).
Port Orange, FL