Virtual physical therapy How did we get here?

Virtual physical therapy How did we get here?

Introduction People are increasingly seeking answers to their problems online and those with neuromusculoskeletal pain are no exception! Searchers who chose virtual physical therapy rated their satisfaction level and results comparable to in-person therapy. There has...
There’s Hope for Those with Arthritis

There’s Hope for Those with Arthritis

“How can you help me? I have arthritis.” Unfortunately, as physical therapists, this is something that we hear all of the time. The first thing we have to do in order to truly help these patients is to change their “I’m broken” mindset. It can be very...
Achieve Dry Needling Results at Home

Achieve Dry Needling Results at Home

What is dry needling? Dry needling. Yes, I said DRY NEEDLING. The most recent buzz floating around the physical therapist realm. Is it effective and what does it do? Let’s look at why dry needling can lead to positive outcomes and the reason why it is worth...